Tag Archives: Liam Neeson

Where do you stand on the Greatest Movie Series of all time?

There is always that one movie that we ask why they made a second, or third, or more. Sometimes it’s best to just leave it to one movie, don’t make it a series; however, in some cases, movie series can be the best movies. Strong examples of successful movie series are: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, the Bourne series, and my personal favorite, Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy. What makes the Dark Knight the best series? In my opinion, the fact that it is Batman, makes it excellent just because of the story. My favorite parts of the series were the strong casting of the Villains in all 3 movies. Cillian Murphy, Heath Ledger, Liam Neeson, and Tom Hardy all excel at being phenomenal villains that bring the fear to the audience’s hearts. Everyone knows who Heath Ledger was in the series, The Joker. But for those of you who don’t know, Murphy, played scarecrow, Neeson played ra’s al ghul, and Hardy played Bane. I think The Joker and Bane were tremendous villains. The mystery behind the Joker and the fear Bane brought was incredible. So many of the best quotes from the movie are from these two characters. In my opinion, “And here, we, go!” And “I wonder what would break first, your spirit, or your body!” Are the best quotes, respectively. But what makes this series beat all other series? Will first, society loves a hero. We all have someone we call our hero. You can’t call Luke Skywalker or Frodo Baggins a hero you can look up too. Bruce Wayne, you can. He defends what he loves, even if people reject him for it. Plus the fact that the series is actually realistic. There isn’t an intergalactic war going on or a quest to destroy a ring to save the world. The events in the Dark Knight can actually occur. While Star Wars and Lord of the Rings are great movies, the Dark Knight blows them out of the water. The action, the drama, the relationships between characters, the morales of the story are all far greater in the Dark Knight. Now, which of the three can I say is my favorite? While I have seen The Dark Knight, dozens of times, and can recite the Joker’s lines word for word. My favorite is the Dark Knight Rises. For three reasons. The morale of getting up and fighting, even when all hope is lost, really hits home with me personally. And secondly, when Batman flew off with the Atom Bomb to save his city and millions of lives that have shunned him for Dent’s murder. The fact Batman would still give his life to save the people the didnt like him is very admirable. Lastly, the struggle he has with his past in the third one, I can relate to. Wayne, while in hiding for eight years, and while in the pit, fought to come to terms with Rachel’s death and the fear of letting everyone down. The only thing I didn’t like about the series was how Nolan claims he won’t make a fourth movie. The end of the third is such a cliff hanger, he has to make a fourth. Bring Freeze, Penguin, or Ivy into the story, or a controversial villain, bring back the Joker. It would be nearly impossible to match Ledgers performance but you can really make a good story with the joker back. That is my goal, I think I’m going to write a fan fiction sequel to Nolan’s series. That will be my next book, obviously it will take a long time, but I am going to do it!